It's late and we've just spent another long day shifting objects around inside the house, moving things from drawers to boxes and from pile to pile. The little storage pod is nestled up against the curb outside, but so far it's not seeing much use. At least we can console ourselves with the knowledge that, every day, more and more things are heading out the door never to be seen again and nothing is coming in. We've made it through the moving sale (in winter no less!), the used clothing, book and CD shops, the endless donation runs to the local thrift shop, the "abandoning things on the curb" phase (two old rusty bikes vanished themselves that way last night). We are now finally entering the "everything into the trash" portion of the move, which means we've managed to dig down pretty deep. All of the personalized bits of the house have been tucked away in plastic bins. Now the only way to go is out .
Kiwi Dispatch
Natural history and nuanced observation from two new arrivals in New Zealand